Coreper occupies a pivotal position in the EU's decision-making system. It is both a forum for dialogue (among the Permanent Representatives and between them and their respective national capitals) and a means of political control (guidance and supervision of the work of the expert groups).


EU:s ordförandeland; Rådskonstellationer; Coreper; Generalsekretariatet I "Institutionella bestämmelser" kapitel 1 avsnitt 3 artikel 238 skall rådet besluta 

Krisen har också förändrat EU:s arbetssätt och påskyndat språnget mot en digitalisering. Coreper sestavljajo stalni predstavniki iz vseh držav članic, ki so pravzaprav veleposlaniki svojih držav pri EU. Zastopajo stališče svoje vlade. Obe sestavi Coreperja (1. in 2. del) se sestaneta vsak teden . COREPER, from French Comité des représentants permanents, is the Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union, made up of the head or deputy head of mission from the EU member states in Brussels. Coreper i 's meetings are prepared by 2 groups, each named after its first chairperson: 'Mertens Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper I 'Antici Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper II i.

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All issues must pass through COREPER before they are included on the agenda for a COREPER. COREPER, the Committee of Permanent Representatives (the name COREPER comes from the French acronym – Comité des représentants permanents), is a committee of senior diplomats based in the Council that works beneath minister level to negotiate on behalf of national governments. The COREPER members are based permanently in Brussels and are, in effect, national ambassadors to the EU. 4/20/2021 - Draft submission by Member States and the Commission to the International Maritime Organization’s 76th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee commenting on document MEPC 75/5/3 from the Republic of Korea concerning guidance on Exhaust Gas Cleaning System malfunctioning (draft Circular MEPC.1/Circ.883/Rev.1) Commission statement 4/9/2021 - Position of the Council at first reading with a view to the adoption of a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme and repealing Regulations (EU) No 912/2010, (EU) No 1285/2013, (EU) No 377/2014 and Decision 541/2014/EU – Draft Statement of the Council's reasons Rue Guimard 11/13, 1040, Brussels Telephone: +32 2 227 39 10 e-mail: The general format of an email address includes full name – Mr Marten KOKK Ambassador, Deputy 2007-03-18 Article 240(1) TFEU lays down that ‘a committee consisting of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States shall be responsible for preparing the work of the Council and for carrying out the tasks assigned to it by the latter.’ Coreper, which takes its acronym from the French Comité des représentants permanents, is made up of the head or deputy head of COREPER I deals with dossiers such as climate and energy, employment, agriculture and education. A third group of representatives of EU Member States meets at ambassadorial level to discuss the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. Ms Delphine Pronk represents the interests of the Netherlands in the Political and Security Committee (PSC). Coreper occupies a pivotal position in the EU's decision-making system. It is both a forum for dialogue (among the Permanent Representatives and between them and their respective national capitals) and a means of political control (guidance and supervision of the work of the expert groups).

Coreper kokoontuu viikoittain. Coreper kokoontuu kahdessa kokoonpanossa (I ja II). Niiden toimialat ulottuvat koko EU:n toimialalle pois lukien maatalouskysymykset, joita valmistelee maatalouden erityiskomitea. Coreper II valmistelee seuraavien neuvoston kokoonpanojen toimintaa: yleiset asiat ja ulkosuhteet; talous- ja rahoitusasiat (Ecofin

The EU reached its current size of 28 member countries with the accession of Croatia on 1 July 2013. Read more about EU member states and how to join the EU Facts and figures The EU reached its current size of 28 member countries with the accession of Croatia on 1 July 2013. Read more about EU member states and how to join the EU Facts and figures I Coreper II ingår de ständiga representanterna, ”EU-ambassadörerna”, medan de biträdande ständiga representanterna ingår i Coreper I. Corepers sammanträden bereds av Anticigruppen för Coreper II och Mertensgruppen för Coreper I. Om en ständig representant eller en biträdande ständig representant inte kan delta vid ett sammanträde ersätts han eller hon av delegaten från EU distansarbetar: Coreper 1-ambassadör Minna Kivimäki.

Article 240(1) TFEU lays down that ‘a committee consisting of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States shall be responsible for preparing the work of the Council and for carrying out the tasks assigned to it by the latter.’ Coreper, which takes its acronym from the French Comité des représentants permanents, is made up of the head or deputy head of

Eu coreper 1

För många personer har den inneburit en  De ständiga representanternas kommitté Coreper II gör traditionellt ett besök i ordförandelandet i EU-ambassadörerna sammanträder varje vecka i Coreper EU distansarbetar: Coreper 1-ambassadör Minna Kivimäki  Kommittén för EU-medlemsstaternas ständiga representanter (Coreper) bekräftade onsdagen EU-länderna betonar hållbar och effektiv användning av Medlemsländerna vill utöka åtagandebemyndigandena med ca 2,1  Åsa Webber; Biträdande Ambassadör, Sveriges representant Coreper 1, Sveriges ständiga representation till EU. 9:20. Vad EU:s politiska inriktning betyder för  EU:s ordförandeland; Rådskonstellationer; Coreper; Generalsekretariatet I "Institutionella bestämmelser" kapitel 1 avsnitt 3 artikel 238 skall rådet besluta  COREPER. Varje medlemsstat har en permanent representation med tjänstemän i Bryssel. Representationen leds av en EU-ambassadör som kallas permanent  Frågor som rör EU:s inre marknad behandlas i Coreper 1 där medlemsländerna företräds av EU-ambassadörernas ställföreträdare. Frågor om handelspolitik  EU:s ministerråd kunde idag, den 20 december, vid möte i Coreper till den beräknade uppsändningen av den första satelliten, Sentinel 1. från: Kommittén för utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik (Kusp) till: Coreper/rådet Ärende: EU:s prioriteringar inför Förenta nationernas 61:a generalförsamling 1. Där samordnas arbetet i EU och EUs olika organ med facklig representation.

Eu coreper 1

SV. Europeiska unionens råd. Generalsekretariatet. Bryssel den 12 mars 2021. CM 2221/21.
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Eu coreper 1

What is Coreper? Coreper stands for the 'Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union'.

The Permanent Representatives Committee or ‘Coreper’ (Article 240 of the Treaty establishing the European community) is responsible for preparing the work of the Council of the EU. It consists of the Member States' ambassadors to the EU (‘Permanent Representatives’) and is chaired by the Member State which holds the Council Presidency. COREPER (Comité des Représentants Permanents) je do češtiny překládán jako Výbor stálých zástupců.Jedná se o klíčovou součást Rady, jejíž původ můžeme dohledat již několik dekád před samotným vznikem EU. Coreper occupies a pivotal position in the EU's decision-making system.
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4/9/2021 - Position of the Council at first reading with a view to the adoption of a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme and repealing Regulations (EU) No 912/2010, (EU) No 1285/2013, (EU) No 377/2014 and Decision 541/2014/EU – Draft Statement of the Council's reasons

Generalsekretariatet. Bryssel den 12 februari 2021.

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Coreper i 's meetings are prepared by 2 groups, each named after its first chairperson: 'Mertens Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper I i 'Antici Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper II These informal groups help to form an initial idea of the positions that the various member state delegations will take at the Coreper meeting.

The meetings of Coreper II are attended by the   The Permanent Representation in Brussels is one of the Netherlands' largest weekly meetings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper II). and of the European Council (Dec. 1980), the Coreper is neither an EU institution nor a decision-making while those of Coreper (part 1) are their deputies.